Balkans Trail
From July 10th to September 22nd 2024
Join a community of digital nomads as we travel, adventure, and colive together throughout Eastern Europe

Departure from Bansko (Bulgaria)
11 nights in Belgrade (Serbia)
1 night in an overnight train between Serbia and Montenegro
13 nights in Herceg Novi (Montenegro)
14 nights in Sarajevo & Jahorina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
7 nights in Budapest & Lake Balaton (Hungary)
14 nights in Braunwald & Bourg St.Pierre (Switzerland)
Arrival at 2nd Swiss Nomad Fest (Switzerland)
The concept
Embark on an extraordinary 2-months journey, where you'll spend 1-2 weeks immersing yourself in the beauty of each location, away from the summer heat and bustling crowds. Spanning over 3.000 kilometers exclusively by trains and buses across six countries, our nomadic trip offers slow adventures without the need for airplanes. Traverse the breathtaking landscapes of the Balkans, immersing yourself in stunning nature and embracing the warmth of its people along the way.
  • Curated experience

    Nomad Trail ensures seamless logistics and curates unique experiences with the help of our dedicated community manager. (Bonus: Interested in taking on this role? You can apply to be the community manager yourself!)

  • Flexible packages
    Choose from single-leg, multiple-leg, or full-trail options with package prices covering accommodations, offering flexibility to tailor your journey.
  • Early bird perks
    Enjoy reduced rates and priority room selection by booking early, ensuring you get the best deal possible.
  • What's included
    While package prices cover accommodations, travel costs and food are excluded, giving you the freedom to budget as you see fit during your journey.
  • Work-friendly adventure
    Immerse yourself in a travel experience that respects your work routines while exploring new destinations together.
  • Diverse accommodations
    Stay in villas, homes, or large apartments that can accommodate up to 10 people, with various room options available at each location to suit your preferences.
Booking options
By opting for the full trail, you'll not only secure the most reduced rates but also maximize the fun with us! Choose from three accommodation options: private room, shared room for two, or shared room for more than two people. Otherwise, scroll down and book for only part of the trail.

Until May 1st, we're offering a €250 early bird discount.
To secure your booking, we require a 30% deposit. The remaining balance will be due two weeks prior to departure.
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